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Personal Journeys and Insights


Ken Lyle

2025 Sonoran Shuffle Judge

Lives In: Moved to Oregon in 2002

We purchased a ranch near Sweet Home, Oregon and raised hay, sheep, goats and feeder cattle. We also hosted the Calapooia Classic stockdog trials for 13 years.

Grew up In:  Napa, California

How long have you been Involved with Stockdogs? 


I purchased my first Australian Shepherd in 1976 and he was a cross between Conformation lines and Napa Valley ranch dogs. Seeking advice on how to train a working dog, I met Bob Carrillo and he became a lifelong friend and mentor. Another friend and mentor was Rick Pinney. I really admired the way both of these gentlemen trained and worked their dogs and used them on their ranches

What inspired you to become a ASCA stockdog judge?

I was able to see and appreciate the true value in the working Australian Shepherd. It was the influence and guidance of both Bob Carrillo and Rick Pinney that led me to become a stockdog judge.

Do You Have a Favorite Dog Run from Your Own Competition Days?

We registered our kennel name Vaquero with ASCA in 1980 and it later became a Hall of Fame Kennel. I have been blessed with some great dogs over the years. That first little blue dog Rowdy (who became Versatility Champion number 3 in the breed) led to a lifelong involvement with this wonderful breed. I have raised, trained and trialed multiple dogs to their Working Trial Championships, competing at both the local and National levels. One of my most gratifying wins came in 1998 when my dog Tag won the ASCA National Finals Champion Cattle Dog. It was only the second time in the history of the ASCA Finals that the Post Advanced course was included in the competition. Tag loved working out in big fields and he really shined. It was a pleasure working a dog that was capable of thinking for himself. It is that skill and talent that I admire most in a working dog.

What's the Most Memorable or Unexpected Moment You've Experienced While Judging?

Ask me.  I have lots of great memories to share!

If You Weren't Involved in Stockdogs, What Other Passion Would Your Pursue?

I have always enjoyed riding cow horses and loved competing in dog trials that were horseback. I think if I didn't compete in dog trials I would have loved to compete in reined cow horse events.

Do You Have Any Pre-Competition or Judging Rituals That Help You Focus?

I thoroughly enjoy being a stockdog judge, as it allows me to witness the incredible skill, instinct, and teamwork between dogs and handlers in action.

What Skill or Talent Do You Admire Most in a Working Dog?

Dogs that are capable of thinking for themselves. It is that skill and talent that I admire most in a working dog.

First Time Competitor Advice...

If I were to give a newcomer to the trialing arena advice, it would be to try to have your dog ready for the more advanced classes before entering a trial. Be sure your training is fun and your not just drilling your dog.

Share One Thing About Judging that Competitors Might Not Know or Understand...

Trialing and judging has given me the opportunity make some wonderful friends and see many parts of this beautiful country.

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