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Personal Journeys and Insights

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Gail Winnick

2025 Hedgehog Hustle Judge

Lives In: Idaho

Grew up In:  Central Michigan

Involved with Stockdogs for 38 years!

How did you become involved with Australian Shepherds?

I was going to an obedience class with my mixed breed mutt and watched the most awesome little black dog.  When I was ready for another dog and got in touch with the person on the other end of the leash.  She has now become a lifelong friend and we’ve shared many amazing experiences.

What inspired you to become a ASCA stockdog judge?

My contribution to ASCA

Do You Have a Favorite Dog Run from Your Own Competition Days?

I think we all have that special heart dog.Mine was Heartsong’s Six Strings, gui’Tar’.He worked very much like his sire and was a good ole blue collar worker, just got the job done with no complaints.

What's the Most Memorable or Unexpected Moment You've Experienced While Judging?

My first score of 124 was Tom Morrare on ducks.  It was an impressive run.

If You Weren't Involved in Stockdogs, What Other Passion Would Your Pursue?

I’ve dabbled in many things over the years, leathercraft, music, had a horse at one time but rather than be spread out I decided on one thing, dogs.I can have a lot of dogs for the cost of a horse.

Do You Have Any Pre-Competition or Judging Rituals That Help You Focus?

No rituals.A list I review for the handlers meeting.

What Skill or Talent Do You Admire Most in a Working Dog?

Thinking ;)

First Time Competitor Advice...

Do what you’ve been doing.

Share One Thing About Judging that Competitors Might Not Know or Understand...

It’s more intense than you might think.You can’t miss a lick because that’s exactly when licks will happen.

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