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Personal Journeys and Insights

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Andrea Hoffman

2025 Tequila Two Step Judge

Lives In: Tennessee

Grew up In:  Tucson, Arizona

Involved with Stockdogs For 29-years

Ho did you become involved with Australian Shepherds?

I was ready to get a dog, and remembered the protectiveness of the Aussies from PVGRC obedience classes.

What inspired you to become a ASCA stockdog judge?

I wanted to return something to a program that I appreciate.

Do You Have a Favorite Dog Run from Your Own Competition Days?

Lin (Istari Laurelin by Fourmile) looking at me when I gave her the wrong flank, so that I could correct it.

What's the Most Memorable or Unexpected Moment You've Experienced While Judging?

There are too many great memories to count, so it's impossible to pick just one...

If You Weren't Involved in Stockdogs, What Other Passion Would Your Pursue?

That's a great question...

Do You Have Any Pre-Competition or Judging Rituals That Help You Focus?

Competition- watching other dogs- practicing flank commands.

What Skill or Talent Do You Admire Most in a Working Dog?

Independent thinking, and learning jobs.

First Time Competitor Advice...

Breathe and move your feet

Share One Thing About Judging that Competitors Might Not Know or Understand...

I am you and your dog’s biggest cheerleader.

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