Personal Journeys and Insights

Devona Pierce
2025 Tequila Two Step Judge
Lives In:
Grew up In: I am a Army Brat, lived in many places but spent most of my adult life in Georgia.
Involved with Stockdogs for 27-years
How did you become involved with Australian Shepherds?
I was introduced to aussies by Bob Myrick in 1996.
What inspired you to become a ASCA stockdog judge?
I wanted to become more involved in the stockdog program and to better my understanding of all the different lines of herding dogs we are seeing in the trial arena.
Do You Have a Favorite Dog Run from Your Own Competition Days?
Yes, I do. My all time favorite dog was Little Ed, he was one of the most talented dogs I have ever worked or trialed.
What's the Most Memorable or Unexpected Moment You've Experienced While Judging?
Judging Finals 2015 in Nashville, TN was a great first experience for me as a judge. Saw some great dogs and competitors. This was one of ASCA's biggest Nationals/Finals ever and the competition measured up to the event.
If You Weren't Involved in Stockdogs, What Other Passion Would Your Pursue?
Horses would be my next passion. I grew up with them and have owned one most of my life. I believe the cutting or reining would be fun if it wasn't so expensive.
Do You Have Any Pre-Competition or Judging Rituals That Help You Focus?
I try to focus on just being calm before a run by deep breathing and reminding myself this is for fun it is not life and death. When judging I like to visit with the other judges and just get in the mindset of what we are running for courses and the order we are judging. I give every run my full attention as I think it is important in being consistent and fair to all.
What Skill or Talent Do You Admire Most in a Working Dog?
Natural instinct is a biggy for me. Too many dogs are mechanically handled and we never get to see the real dog work. It is exciting to me to see a dog save a handler by reacting instinctively when working.
First Time Competitor Advice...
Have fun focusing on being a team with your dog because this is a team sport.
Share One Thing About Judging that Competitors Might Not Know or Understand...
Study your course as to how they are being judged. Lots of points are lost or earned by knowing where each section starts and ends.