Personal Journeys and Insights
Deb Conroy
2025 Hedgehog Hustle Judge
Lives In: Minnesota
Grew up In: Minnesota. She grew up on a farm where her parents raised beef cattle and 9 kids!
Involved with Stockdogs for Over 40-years
How did you become involved with Australian Shepherds?
We got our first two Aussie’s in the 1980’s from Mike Ryan to use in our cattle feedlots.
What inspired you to become a ASCA stockdog judge?
Pressure from my friends to become involved in judging.
Do You Have a Favorite Dog Run from Your Own Competition Days?
I have had so many memories made with my dogs over the years with each one having special moments. Couldn’t pick just one.
What's the Most Memorable or Unexpected Moment You've Experienced While Judging?
One time while judging a gal penned her cattle in the center pen and the cattle continued right out the back of the pen and the pen collapsed around them.
If You Weren't Involved in Stockdogs, What Other Passion Would Your Pursue?
We still farm full time so I would be home helping with cattle, crops etc.
Do You Have Any Pre-Competition or Judging Rituals That Help You Focus?
I always ask myself after my run…… did my dog do what I asked, if so than I should be happy, if not I know what to work on.
What Skill or Talent Do You Admire Most in a Working Dog?
A dog’s ability to control livestock.
First Time Competitor Advice...
Not only judges give BLUE RIBBONS. Look for your blue-ribbon moments in each of your runs. This current trial you are competing in is just one of many to come. Enjoy your time with your dog and this wonderful community as at the end of day the time we spend with these dogs is short lived and memories made will outlive any title or ribbon.
Share One Thing About Judging that Competitors Might Not Know or Understand...
We have all been there. We have all have had good and bad runs so calm down and enjoy the journey.